Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Madeleines made with . . . Organic Egg Whites??

Sorry to all you gourmands out there—the title of this post has nothing to do with a creative dish I’ve tried recently in an over-priced but delicious four-star restaurant. It’s just an attempt at a metaphor about the confluence of my life with RUSSIA’S . . .

. . . because, see, everything has been so new for the both of us lately. I’m into my third week here, and yet I can’t seem to stop wanting to move, change jobs, find more expensive purchases (painful example from this week: White Acacia honey from Bashkirian beekeeper: $8), and see random British men lying in the fetal position when I open the door to my apartment. That’s right, all of the above took place u menya (“to me/for me/at my place”—and it really can mean all those things) in the past five or so days, just as Moscow was celebrating its 860th birthday, bitterly welcoming autumn, and finding itself smitten with the taste of cage-free organic eggs. Yes, shame on you, all you disbelievers out there—even a back-asswards country like Russia can boast those brown-shelled taste bombs that Californians have been eating since the 60s. And, somehow, it gets better: their brand-name is “Happy Chicken”!! How great is that.

So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that all this change somehow reminds me of the past . . . that chill, 7-a.m. breeze that hits me as I walk out of my apartment building is eerily similar to one that hit me two years ago; I could swear that I saw the same Bashkirian vendor at the All-Russian Honey Festival of 2005 (that’s right, second time I’ve gone!); and, even though I was at some extremely strange battle-reenactment in the svezhii vozdukh that day long ago, I’m pretty sure I noticed Moscow turn 858 while I was in country. With Happy Chickens running rampant now, are Muskovites just years away from drinkable tap water and ovens with temperature gauges? Or are the $500 cellphones and ubiquitous fur coats signs that these things have no order? Did I actually come back to Moscow . . . ? Or did I just eat a light, fluffy madeleine (without preservatives—very Russian)? Considering that I might soon work for a newspaper, live in a single room and share a bathroom, and still can’t really afford that prikol’niy (coooooool) designer coat in the window—let’s just say I feel right at home ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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